Lifespan VS Healthspan
While more and more people are taking an interest in aging and lifespan, awareness on healthspan lags. If you don’t know what healthspan means you aren’t alone.

Many might agree that “healthspan” can be defined as the period of one’s life that one is healthy. However, being “healthy” means different things to different people. A better definition might include being free from serious disease. A disease is considered to be serious if it is a leading cause of death.

Why do we care about healthspan? Caring about extending the well period of one’s life should be intuitive. If one is past their healthspan, it means they are chronically sick, often with a degenerating condition. Therefore, most people would agree that staying within their healthspan is desirable.
In an extreme case, Ezekiel Emmanuel, the brother of Barack Obama’s ex Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, doesn’t want medical interventions past the age of 75. To paraphrase his argument, he only wants to live if he can live well.
How do we get a handle on Healthspan?
First, we need to measure it. Because we have trouble predicting whether someone may get a serious disease, how do we get a handle on healthspan?
Unlike average lifespan, which is now 79.3 years in the U.S., we don’t have a statistic to mark the end of the average healthspan. To address this, the World Health organization has developed an indicator.
A simple way to approximate healthy life expectancy is to figure out the average age of the first occurrence of each of the most common serious diseases, determine their incidences, and then take the average of those two numbers. This gives us 63.1 years old.
This means that we, on average, live up to 20% of our lives unhealthy. Needless to say, that is a long time.
—— Harvy A. Friedman, Center for Aging
To improve upon these statistics, we need to change some things…to stay healthier longer.
Avini Health’s Cell Defender and the other discoveries may be the answer. Remove the toxic load from the body and the doctor within us can go to work and get and keep us healthy! Zmunity to enhance our immune system, Plus Relief to modulate pain, Plus Fiber to help stabilize healthy blood sugar levels and manage cholesterol, Plus Hydration to hydrate all the cells in our entire body quickly and easily, Spherical Nano Silver to deal with pathogens of all kinds that may be in or on our body.
Of course, eating healthy pesticide free food, daily exercise and other good health habits will also contribute to having a longer healthspan.
Healthspan is a topic relevant to all people with huge social and economic consequences around the world. While younger people might benefit most in the long-term from an increased focus on healthspan moderating practices, older adults might be first to see benefits.
This is due to the simple fact that research involving older adults gets to the study outcome, either good or bad…faster.