What is Avini Health? Why are we different?
by Dave Johnson · Published · Updated

What is Avini Health? Why are we different?
You Didn’t Come This Far… To Only Come This Far.
WE’RE ON A MISSION – with a Fresh Start!
We have an obsessive enthusiasm for one thing: Changing people for the better, and this is evident in everything we do, everything we are, and everything we strive to become.
We hold a deep sense of responsibility to create a sustainable company that empowers people for success. One that people can trust to be ethical and transparent. To stay true to who we are, every company decision is based on these guiding principles.
What we say is what we do
Doing right is the only option
People (and their success) are the first priority
Positively impact every person we come into contact with
Community is our culture
If you want the truth, it’s easier to be a distributor than it is to start a network marketing company. But sometimes, the easy road isn’t what you’re called to do.
After many years in the industry, we became disenchanted with the status quo. We were tired of seeing good people, who were trying to improve their lives, being taken advantage of.
When we could no longer find a company we trusted to build a team with, we knew it was time to fix the problem and create our own.
We were asked: Why are you doing this? And the answer is simple. Because we can! Success for us is defined by how many people are better off because we are here.
The bar has been set so low in Network Marketing that companies have lost sight of the real reason why they exist.
At Avini Health, we’re raising that bar. We are building a community that will support you. We are creating a culture that breathes excitement and hope for your future.
People are searching for more. We are opening that door and pouring hope on their dreams.
To make this company and our community worth building, we have to do what’s never been done before: create transparency and really put people first. This simple yet disruptive idea will set a new industry standard and give people an opportunity that makes the effort to succeed worth it.
When it comes to our products,. It’s what our products clear out — toxins, pollutants, impurities, and pathogens; even pain — to create a clean, healthy body that can fix itself.
Make way for an opportunity that puts YOU first. Avini Health goes beyond a business that just makes money. It’s a chance to be part of something greater than yourself. Join our mission to leave everyone we connect with better than before.
You haven’t seen compensation like this before. We believe those who do the work deserve the reward. Learn how we can help you reach your financial dreams.
WHY Avini Health?
Listen, if you are fulfilled with what you’re doing in life then you may not be interested in what we offer. But if you’re tired of working long hours without the compensation you deserve or feeling like you’re not supported, then it’s time for change.
We understand where you’re coming from. And that’s why we created Avini Health. This is a company that is committed to put people first, every time. Our culture goes beyond the individual, it’s built around community that will grow and support each other along the way.
At the end of the day, we want to give you an opportunity to make room for the good, not just in your own life, but in the lives of everyone you meet.
Why not now?
If you’re not satisfied with your life, make the choice to change it – today! What we offer is simple, yet disruptive. And, we know many people are searching for for this.
Avini Health is all about you. It’s not about big corporate offices or elaborate corporate travel, it’s about putting as much money as we can into your pocket.
The question we keep getting is, “Can you really pay out that much?” The answer is, absolutely. It’s what the rest of the industry doesn’t want you to know, that you can make a lot more than what you’re currently making. And the time to do so, is now.
Welcome to our revival: a shift from traditional, confusing plans of compensation to simple and transparent ways you can earn maximum rewards for your efforts.
By definition, a revival is an improvement in the strength and fortunes of someone.
In this case, that someone is you!
Steve Jobs said:
I was lucky enough to spend my life in finding A players, getting the best people together – We were on a mission from God – it was the hardest and happiest moment in my life, an intense and cherished experience. Creating a beautiful culture, creating products of spirit and enlightenment.
Disrupting the sick-care industry one happy customer at a time!