
Simple Steps To Connecting With Anyone

Simple Steps To Connecting With Anyone

Simple Steps To Connecting With Anyone

Dale Carnegie once said, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what industry you are in or what your goals are – this truth is a constant: Personal relationships run the world!

So, if you are wanting to build your network, grow your business and get better results, here are a few tips to help you out and get you moving:

  • Be genuine. The only connections that work are the ones we truly care about. We all see through anything that falls short of that.
  • Provide massive help. Even the biggest and most powerful people in the world have something they’d like help with. Don’t be afraid of reaching out to those on your chicken list and offering help or service. My step-dad taught me a great lesson on this subject when I was a child. It was a three step approach to creating opportunities. First, reach out to the person you look up to and seek to learn from them. Let them know you value them as an authority and would like to understand more of their story and success. Next, seek to serve them. Look for ways you can make a difference to them. Finally, ask to work with them. This approach is simple and very effective. In summary: Ask to learn, seek to serve, ask to partner up.
  • Pay attention. It is impossible to offer meaningful help or service if we don’t pay attention to what their needs are. Pay real attention. Do your research. Learn about them. Invest time in discovery. It will pay off big time.
  • Connect with people close to them. I have often said, “it’s not who you know, it’s who they know that matters.” This works both ways. In creating referrals, but also in building your credibility. You come out looking stronger when you share mutual contacts or friends.
  • Be persistent. Remember the first attempt is just the beginning. Persistence is a key that opens many doors. Don’t give up. Be caring and understand this important truth – boldness never becomes overbearing when you are motivated by love. Be sure to connect this step with the first in this list: be genuine.
  • Make real friends. Just be human, helpful, kind and considerate. Don’t get preoccupied with personal agenda. Lead with love and it will take you on wonderful journeys.
  • Remain unforgettable. We live in a world now that competes for our attention like never before. And concentration spans are getting shorter and shorter. This means you really need to level up your commitment to stay in their thoughts and not be forgotten. Send out birthday cards. Mail your favorite book with a signed note. Be genuinely helpful. It is amazing how little acts of service make such a big difference.

Finally, how do I do this with so many people on my list? It’s easy. Understand that this is a funneling process. It is reciprocal. Communication is two way so simply pay attention to who is responding positively and keep the engagement meaningful.

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1 Response

  1. Stephanie Brown says:

    Excellent advice!!

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