Plus Relief might be the best solution for many people!
by Dave Johnson · Published · Updated

Plus Relief might be the best solution for many people!
We’ve all heard the oft repeated statement, People may forget what you said, or what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Taking away someone’s chronic pain is a very emotional experience to be never forgotten. We are all beginning to discover that we have an amazing feel good product in Plus Relief. Over one third of our population suffers with chronic pain. Many of the most horrific side-effects are a result of pain-relief meds. Even over-the-counter pain-relief meds can ruin your body. As an example, Tylenol use is the leading cause of liver failure!!!
Plus Relief might be the best solution for many people. I might say something like: I’ve just taken a new position with a company, so now I’m selling snake oil! ; )
Actually, it is a whole new approach for pain relief and it is actually sourced from Asian cobra venom! Of course it is greatly diluted…ten thousand to one, also its denatured and certain factors are taken from this dilution that have the ability to fit into the nerve receptors used by neurotransmitters so that pain signals are greatly reduced. This is powerful stuff! It is a class 3 FDA OTC pain relief product that is non-toxic, non-steroidal, non-addictive…all good and non of the bad!
At this point, I’ll share a story or two about the product, and ask if they would be interested in looking at some information. I’ll get their contact information and email them this:
Hi _____,
As I was sharing with you, We’ve got something completely unique that may help anyone you know who is suffering with pain. We
can say pain. It is a class 3 FDA OTC pain relief product that is non-toxic, non-steroidal, non-addictive…all good and non of the bad!
This PDF is a great overview. The YouTube link features Darren Silva, my friend who suffered from a broken hip, as well as Rik Deitsch, who is the biochemist that created the product. He explains how it works: