We’re Putting a Team Together
by Dave Johnson · Published · Updated
We’re Putting a Team Together
I just got an email from Peter Diamandis: I am on a global search to find my four key hires to join my personal team…If any of these positions interest you, or you know someone who is amazing and wants to join my personal team… you’ll be working alongside tremendous company. My organization, The Abundance Group, is filled with an extraordinary group of rock stars. They are amazing and make life a joy…
What a fantastic attitude, this guy exudes total confidence! I am watching John Maxwell on Confidence, Courage & Decision-Making.
He says: If you’re going to be really good, you’ve got to grow. Focus on those things that matter most. What areas are the most important for a person to grow in? What things are the most essential for my success?
Number one is confidence. Great leaders are confident in themselves, they’re confident in their vision, and they’re confident in other people, and the result of that confidence is that people have confidence in their leader.
A confident leader gives people confidence!
We think of leaders as being charismatic… Confidence is the core of charisma. When you see a person that has charisma, the very core of that ability is that they are confident in themselves.
Many years ago, John went into a McDonald’s restaurant and asked for a Diet Coke, and the girl behind the counter said, “we don’t have diet Coke, we just have Coke.” He replied, “I don’t want that. Just give me a cup filled with ice.” And she looked at him and said, “I don’t think I can do that, sir,” (as she’s looking on her register, and there’s no place to push the button for ‘cup of ice’) John smiled real confident at her, and said, “Yes you can!!!” And she looked back at him and said, “ok!” Then she went over and got a cup and filled it up with ice, and she was as happy as a clam. As John walked back to the car, he realized what confidence does for people!
Nothing sells like confidence!
I wish for everyone to become a confident person. Once you’re confident, once you truly know you can help people, once you truly know that you can add value, that you can help take another person to a whole new level in their life, then others will buy in to that confidence!
In short, the less confident you are in yourself, the faster you will give up trying to get whatever you want. When I see a person who quits quickly, they have low self-confidence. If you worry about what other people think of you, it’s because you have more confidence in their opinion than you have of your own. I see people all the time wondering, ‘I wonder what they’re going to think’…. Who gives a crap! Listen to me, my name is John, I’m your friend! Since when did you feel so low in your self-image, you lowered your opinion of yourself so much that you let somebody else walk into your life trample all over it. They don’t have that right! And yet I see people do it all the time.
The above are notes taken from this most essential-to-watch video!
A person with a strong sense of purpose and who can articulate it will live about 7 years longer than someone who does not. Live big and be anxiously engaged in a great cause! With the advent of a new year just weeks away, you may be pondering over some goals you wish to accomplish. Everyone wishes to be happy. I believe we are happiest when we are in the process of accomplishment.
AmpLIFEi is all about having a club that people want to belong to. Robert Oblon is constantly challenging everyone not to be typical! Take full advantage of the opportunity to play your part in this. You are the average of the 5 people with whom you associate the most. The AmpLIFEi community is an opportunity to live in an environment that constantly nudges you into positive activity. You have the opportunity to help create a happier and healthier world.
Don’t hit snooze on your Cosmic Alarm Clock! It starts as a whisper, a small voice that gets louder and louder until you either answer the call of your destiny or ignore it and fall back asleep into your small self. Connect your head, heart, and highest self and blast off! –Yanik Silver
We love you, Carpe diem!
Dave & Valerie
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