
What Causes Cancer?

What causes cancer?

Cancer is reversible. If toxins caused the problem, then detoxification is the solution

Most degenerative diseases, including cancer, do not have a readily identifiable enemy. In a bacterial infection, you can attack the “cause” of the disease with an antibiotic. Cancer seems to be caused by a collection of lifestyle and environmental factors that accumulate over the years. Since success against any degenerative disease requires getting to the root of the problem, let’s examine the accepted causes of cancer.

Toxic overload

America’s increasing incidence of cancer has closely paralleled our increasing exposure to cancer-causing substances in our environment…Of the 5 million registered chemicals in the world, mankind comes in contact with 70,000, of which at least 20,000 are known carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents. Each year, America alone sprays 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides on our food crops, dumps 90 billion pounds of toxic waste in our 55,000 toxic waste sites, feeds 9 million pounds of antibiotics to our farm animals to help them gain weight faster…

Bruce Ames, PhD, of the University of California, Berkeley has estimated that each of the 60 trillion cells in your body undergoes from 1,000 to 10,000 DNA “hits” or potentially cancer-causing breaks every day. Newer studies examining the role of the immune system in protecting us against cancer show that the average adult has one cancer cell appear in each day. Yet somehow, for most of us, our DNA repair mechanisms and immune system surveillance are able to keep the storm of genetic damage under control.

Wallowing in our own high-tech waste products is a major cause of cancer in modern society, since carcinogens add to the fury of the continuous assault on do you need. Wallowing in our own high-tech waste products is a major cause of cancer in modern society, since carcinogens add to the fury of the continuous assault on the DNA… Toxins not only causes DNA breakage, which can trigger cancer, but also subdue the immune system, which then allows cancer to become the “fox in the chicken coop”, with no controlling force… Cancer is reversible. If toxins caused the problem, then detoxification is the solution.

Cancer is a mistake cell that is growing wildly out of control… Cancer mimics the chemistry of a fetus, and hence becomes invisible to the human immune system. Cancer also weakens its host by installing its own abnormal biochemistry, including:

  • Changes in the pH or the acid/base balance
  • Creation of anaerobic (oxygen-deprived) pockets of tissue…
  • Blunting the immune system
  • Elevating metabolism and calorie needs, while simultaneously lowering appetite and food intake to a slowly starve the host
  • Ejecting by-products that create weakness, apathy, pain, and depression in the host
  • Siphoning nutrients out of the bloodstream like a parasite
  • With its invisible, predatory, and ever-changing nature, cancer is truly a tough condition to treat
  • Cancer is essentially an abnormal cell growth. It’s unchecked growth tends to overwhelm other functions in the body until death comes from:
    1. Organ failure, e.g., the kidneys shut down
    2. Infection, e.g., pneumonia, because immune system has been blunted
    3. Malnutrition, because the parasitic cancer shifts the host’s metabolism into high gear and efficient use of fuel, while also inducing a loss of appetite

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