Success is all about creating a Tribe
by Dave Johnson · Published · Updated

Human beings can’t help it; we need to belong.
All of us have the wonderful opportunity to help create our Avini Tribe. You only need to have a love for people and a desire to make something happen.
Success is all about creating a Tribe that people would love to belong to!
Eric Worre reveals the number one secret of Million Dollar earners and leaders… Relationships. Relationships are more important than your opportunity, product, compensation plan and skills. The truth is people care more about you caring about them than they do about the great opportunity that you have.
When people sense that they can trust you and believe in you, and have a relationship with you, then they’ll be open to looking at all your different opportunities, whether it’s to be a customer or to be a distributor. Relationships are the most important thing.
Eric tells us that the greatest networkers build relationships, not just with people in network marketing, but anyone they meet. They connect by asking questions, being interested, and being interested in them as a person. In conclusion, focus on building trust, building belief, being interested, listening, being a friend and good things will happen in your life and in your business.
This is a thought that helps get me into motion – What am I doing today that five years from now, my future self will look back at this day and will be glad that I did it? Consider what your actions today might have on the future world around you. Your present courage in this moment does matter! Everything we do affects others. None of us live only for ourselves. Other people’s future lives depend upon your present courage!
Here are some powerful thoughts by Steven Pressfield:
Remember our rule of thumb: The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it!
The counterfeit innovator is wildly self-confident. The real one is scared to death!
Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance.
When it comes to making a positive difference in the world, change occurs only when someone, somewhere takes responsibility for changing himself or herself and takes action to help others change too. Without the actions of some person change doesn’t happen.
– from John Maxwells book: Change Your World
Amazing fits me , I hesitate too much