
A Recipe For Success

A Recipe For Success

Avini, an Invitation for Growth

If you really knew we had the biggest breakthrough since penicillin, how would you approach people?

If you really knew that doing this with ALL OUT MASSIVE ACTION, you could change your life forever – Would you? Start with a WHY and then add your DESIRE.

Avini products create PASSION! No one has products that are more exciting. The marketplace for these life transforming products is immeasurable. We have the most fair, equitable, generous, simple, and doable compensation plan on the planet. The timing is absolutely perfect. The only unknown factor in the equation of success is YOU. This is an empowering, and yet sobering thought: You make all the difference!

One of the most powerful aspects of Avini Health is that it is so simple, therefore it can be so duplicable. Keep it simple and you will keep it duplicable!


This business is totally and entirely what your mind and your heart make of it. You will change your whole life through changing your attitude of mind. Thinking DOES make it so! Read good books. Listen to good audio presentations. Surround yourself with good friends and associates. You are the average of the five people with whom you associate most. Be around people who are doing what you want to do and are going where you want to go.

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

To attract, you must be attractive. People will join you when you become the right person. Develop within yourself a loving and attractive personality. Genuinely love people and be interested in others. You will naturally make them a friend before you make them a customer or a business partner. People want to be around happy people. Happy people sell. Unhappy people do not sell.

FIND A MENTOR. Connect with your upline who are successful with Avini Health. Call them every day! Introduce your people to them. Don’t try to be the Lone Ranger. You are in business for yourself, but you shouldn’t try to be in business by yourself. Successful people do certain things a certain way. Learn these same certain things and then go do them. It is vital that you model yourself after successful people! You are the average of those 5 people with whom you associate with the most.

Build a Team that Other People Want to Be a Part of.

BUILD A LIST OF NAMES. Make a list, check it twice, find out who is Ambitious and Nice, and Hungry! Let the magic and power of large numbers work for you. Have a large list of names. See lots of people! Success becomes a certainty as you sponsor compassionate people who have gumption and are hungry!
The person who does the most good, for the greatest number of people, is the most successful.

I am looking for people who are looking for me!

APPROACH. You’ll be sized-up in mere seconds. Have total confidence, conviction, and enthusiasm. Your script must be part of you. Speak from the heart.

I recommend you start with people whom you already know and like. Begin the call with: I need your help, will you do me a personal favor? Invariably they will respond with: Sure, what do you need? I just listened to a short video with a biochemist, talking about something that appears to me as a real health breakthrough. It’s about 6 minutes long. I know that we’re both interested in health, and you’re a smart person. If I text you the link, will you watch it and let me know what you think?

Our job is to get people curious enough to watch the short video. After they watch it, their job is to decide what they would like to do with Avini.

I share with people that they will soon discover that our products can transform someone’s life, even giving them a ‘second chance’ to be healthy again! Avini Health feels much more like being on a mission instead of having a job. We can change the whole world, one person at a time, and think about what can happen as we scale this up through implementing our business plan! This is going to be huge, and YOU can be a big part of it.

I admire who you are and believe we could really work well together.

Avini Health is an exciting, fun, and profitable business opportunity. Talk about our products and the business! Cover the three fundamental motivators: FUN! MONEY! MISSION! Act like a leader and you will attract leaders.

FIND THREE KEY PEOPLE. When you approach people, some are going to be interested. Many will say no. Some will want to buy products. Others will sign up and sell a few products or simply buy wholesale, and a select few will join you and build an empire. You are in the sorting business. Talking to enough people ensures the numbers will work in your favor. Be thoroughly invested in the whole process, rather than each individual outcome.

Love everyone. Someone might say no today but yes next month… or next year. People do change their minds. Always leave the door open for them. This is another reason to follow up! However, you do need 3 leaders who are ready TODAY!

How do you identify a leader?

The leader test: 1. They call you. 2. They give you names. 3. They invest in their business. 4. They go to meetings. Your essential job now is to demonstrate that it works by helping them sponsor their own people. If you have three good people and you help each of them get three good people and everyone invests in products to use and share, you soon have a strong foundation laid out for an enduring and profitable business. Teach 3 to Reach 3

TOOLS. I built my business through sharing information. Good tools will touch people and make them think. It will arouse curiosity and they will want to know more. If they listen to one audio, I will share another. Keep feeding them information. Audios/Videos/Literature are seeds. If you want a bountiful Avini harvest, plant lots of information!.

PRESENTATION. This is a show-and-tell business. If you can make people feel good with our products, you’re almost there! Almost half of the population has some type of chronic pain. If they do, take out your Plus Relief and ask them to apply it to where it hurts.

Silently in my mind I affirm. I care how you feel, I love you, I want to help you, and hope I am making you feel better. This will create a bond with them because you really do care!

REFERRALS. “Let me ask you a question: If you could only say one name, who is the very most compassionate, ambitious person that you know? You know lots of people; I know you are thinking of someone. just say the name of the person whose face you see in your mind right now. What is their name? What do they do? Where do they live? What is their phone number? Would they be there now? Let’s give them a call!” Look at them expectantly with a smile and quiet confidence. Practice this dialog. It works! When you learn to get referrals, you will never run out of names! Another good question: “If you were going to do this business, of all the people you know, who is that one person who you would really want to have on your team?”

When you call this person, it might go like this: Hello is this Mary? Hi, this is Dave Johnson. I don’t know you, but I am here with your friend Julie. Do you have a moment to talk? I want to share something that Julie just said about you a moment ago. I asked Julie a business question: If we were to bring on another person to work with us, and of all the many people Julie knows – of all of them – who would be that one person she would most like to work with, and who could really add to our team, who would that be? And she said, you – I just had to call and let you know! Actually, we are looking for another person. I have no idea if this would be the right time in your life, or if you’re open for a new challenge, but just based on what Julie said about you, I would love to meet you sometime and show you what we’re doing. It never hurts to talk! And I think you will find it interesting at the very least. This works terrifically, and you get to offer someone a unique compliment that they will always remember!

You can go through a name list with this same effective approach. Just don’t call that fifth person and say: Hi Sally, of all the people Julie knows – you came up number 5 on our list! Just say ‘and Julie said your name!’ and so Sally will assume that she is number one!

Another business-building tip that works: After the presentation, I tell them how much I enjoyed being able to share with them, that what I just showed them was also a description of my job. I get to make new friends and ‘Show-and Tell’ incredible products that consistently surprise and delight and share an amazing story that just might change someone’s whole life! I talk about how much fun we can have building a team together.

THREE-WAY PHONE CALLS are essential. Introduce all of your prospects and new distributors to your active up-line. These calls reassure your people that they are joining a successful team that is already a ‘going concern’ and there will be good support. That they are connected with a successful leader who is practiced and knows what to say. By hearing them, you will learn to say all the right stuff. Do three-ways OFTEN!

Zoom EVENTS / HOME MEETINGS. There is magic and power with a collaboration of excited Avini Team Members. Getting your people to group events can make the difference between success and failure. Put real importance and urgency on upcoming events. The most important event is always the next event. Here they will catch the vision!


Most of my people didn’t join immediately after the first contact. Have lots of people somewhere in the process. Call them about upcoming events or share a new audio that they just have to hear. Don’t camp out on their front porch. Stay in touch with them in a friendly way. Work with people that you enjoy being around anyway so that the worst result is you are making another friend! Find a creative way to stay in touch. Success is long-term relationship building.

PRODUCT FLOW – We get paid for moving products to consumers. That’s it. And we get paid more when we move more products! Start by being your own best customer! If you tell people these products are really wonderful and that this is your career, but you have no product. Well, it just doesn’t sound like you really believe in it.

Purchasing your product legitimately becomes tax-deductible when you are thinking, “I need to believe in something before I can try to sell it.” This is due diligence, sharing it is promo/demo/samples, all of which are tax-deductible business expenses. And all product purchases count towards rank advancement!

How do you build and lead a team? Learn > Do > Teach > Repeat

SUCCESS IS A RECIPE – Building a business is like making a cake, following the recipe exactly, and then sharing the recipe. A big business is simply a small business that did the right things. Start your business as though it were the biggest business in the world. Faithfully follow the recipe over and over again. Share this same recipe.

What would your business be like if everyone were doing exactly what you’re doing? Be what you want Avini to be!

Success is all about creating a Club that People want to belong to! – When broken down to its most common denominator success is achieved through one person connecting with another person. Success results in your ability to get a large group of people to do these simple things consistently over an extended period of time.


Our Faith Shapes Our Destiny – What if God really cared about your work? To think that God actually works through you in your labors and is always there to help you! There are innumerable people who hurt, health wise or financially. Many are praying at this moment for an answer. Pray to be led to those who may benefit from what we have. God does notice us, and he watches over us, but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs. By becoming the answer to someone’s prayer we often find the answer to our own. Prayer is the most powerful source of strength. Pray always!


Download “A Recipe for Success” PDF here!

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