You Gotta Do Something!
by Dave Johnson · Published · Updated
You Gotta Do Something!
If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small! -Richard Branson
Ben Greenfield wrote a book with a great title: Boundless: Upgrade Your Brain, Optimize Your Body & Defy Aging. His most potent tip for increasing your energy vibration and the vibrations of all people around you is to…identify your purpose in life and enable yourself to achieve that unique purpose to the very best of your ability, all while loving God and loving others as fully as possible with that purpose.
Success is all about adding value to other people, and more success is making a bigger difference with more people. God desires that our lives attain their greatest significance. Much of the good in this world is done person-to-person, that’s YOU and me! John Maxwell said, My purpose is to bring joy, compassion, happiness and freedom to people in the world and experience the same for myself while doing it…Success is knowing my purpose in life. Growing to my maximum potential. Sowing seeds that benefit others.
You gotta do something!
If you have read this far…I commend you!!! Strive to live in an environment that constantly nudges you into activity. “If you want to do something big, you’ve got to be part of something you are excited about and you believe in, something worthwhile….Most people don’t give themselves enough time. You’ve gotta work hard, not for a few weeks or a few months, but for a few years. It takes three to five years to establish yourself in business. The first two years of any business are nothing but survival time. Even after you’re doing well, you’ve got to keep working hard if you want to get better and keep your business growing and developing until you make it big.” -Art Williams
People with a strong sense of purpose and can articulate it live about 7 years longer than people who don’t! Have you written out a Purpose Statement or Affirmation? Why not go BIG! Let me share mine:
God has gifted me with great possibilities, and I am placed in a wonderful position for making much good happen. I prayerfully strive to be a positive influencer, to always be grateful, thoughtful and patient. I use each moment productively. I am Purposeful, a Visionary, I am Disciplined. I consciously give good nourishment to my spirit, mind and body. I am a major player and a strategic influencer.
…And we love you and are grateful for your efforts and good influence!
You can change your whole life by the way you think, and one of the best ways to do this is by feeding your mind great audio content. I can highly recommend this audio success library: